Alzheimer's Care
Shepherd's Cove
For over 15 years Laurel Heights has provided specialized care for residents with Alzheimer's Disease and other types of dementia. In 2001 we opened our Shepherd's Cove Community providing a unique environment specifically designed for residents with memory issues. This community includes a large day room and beautiful outdoor garden area for special activities and ample room to allow the residents to safely explore. We offer a homelike environment that promotes dignity and independence. Staff members of this unit are specifically trained using the "Best Friends Approach to Care." This extensive training allows the residents to receive dignified compassionate care and an enhanced quality of life.
Customer Testimonials
"Shepherd's Cove is 'our place for mom.' We really couldn't imagine how you have things set up there. For things to work together, you have to be of one body, as the bible says from a toe or thumb, to the heart and brain, if one isn't working the whole body suffers. From the food services, janitorial staff, nurses and assistants, activity director, therapist, doctors, office staff, administrators, you make Laurel Heights and Shepherd's Cove what it is, and we feel that it is our place for mom...thank you all so much for doing what you do so well and for doing what we couldn't do. We really appreciate all of you and pray for you daily. We believe mom is receiving the very best care."
"To all of the team on Shepherd's Cove who lovingly and with professional skill tended to the quality care of my mom. Our family is blessed so much and daily give the Lord praise for individuals like yourselves who devote your lives, so folks like my mom and our family can receive support and services in treating a most complex abnormal-aging process such as Alzheimer's Disease. Your love and care doesn't go unnoticed."
-Resident Family Members
